Dear Sir/Madam,

I'd like to propose a 3-way link swap with your website, where you get 2 links in exchange for one of yours.

3-way SEO is much more effective than traditional link exchange because you link to one site while receiving two back links from two other sites - different websites from the one that you link to.

Our partner sites (the ones that link to you) are at least 3 years old with a minimum pagerank of PR3.

If you are interested in a firmer approach, we could also do a 5 for 2 link swap, where you get 5 back links in exchange for 2 from your website. Again, this program is structured around a 3-way linking system and it is therefore inherently safe for all parties.

This program obviously doesn't involve money, since all parties benefit from additional links.

To get started, please visit 3waySEO.Com.


P.S. Please don't hesitate to reply with any of your questions ot comments.

Derrick Hall,
Founder & CEO, 3waySEO.Com